Iain, bLordshill/b says... 2:05pm Thu 22 Jan 09. Look, it's just a furniture shop. If people want to queue for four hours to get the same coffee table as their neighbours then let them. Look, it's just a furniture shop. b....../b Why didn't they build out near Nursling Industrial bEstate/b, just off the M27 and M271, with an extra lane built as part of the existing widening of the M27? Cheaper, better for everyone. Our IKEA stores in Moscow are on the outskirts of the city, ...
Iain, bLordshill/b says... 12:31pm Fri 5 Dec 08. Why is there a Solent Coalition Against Ships? Surely if you live by the Solent, you've got to expect there to be ships? It's like having a New Forest Coalition Against Trees. b...../b In the days before the end of the Cold War, such people were bcommon/b. Then, as now, their screeches were never directed toward their friends in the Soviet Union, only towards the West. They are self-important, hypocritical blowhards. ...